domingo, 16 de maio de 2010


Scurvy is a disease that causes swelling and bleeding, is usually caused by lack of vitamin C. This disease can strike any age, and end up being the most affected elderly and children.
Vitamin C is an excellent remedy against scurvy, many people suffer from this disease due to low consumption of vegetables and fruits, ie the evil daily diet.

The main symptoms are:

* Bleeding
* Swelling in the language
* Tiredness
* Hair loss
* Joint pain

The main form of prevention is by eating foods rich in vitamin C. Some foods to be eaten are:

* Potato
* Cabbage
* Salsa
* Acerola
Guava *
* Cauliflower
* Watermelon
* Pepper
* Banana
* Lemon
* Orange
* Strawberry

The main form of treatment consists of eating foods rich in vitamins and physical activity. To carry out the monitoring activities is required of an instructor.
In the case of children and newborns intake of foods rich in vitamin C should be daily.


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