domingo, 16 de maio de 2010


Anorexia is an eating disorder caused by strict dieting extramamentes that lead the individual to develop symptoms of weakness and need for nutrients.
Many factors contribute to anorexia and childhood trauma, psychological factors or even influence over the media in the search for the perfect body.


* Strict diets for long periods of time
* Practice excessive physical activity
* Induction of vomiting
* Evil Power
* Take a laxative so abundant

Doctors and nutritionists have as means of prevention and treatment offer the patient a nutritional reeducation.
Treatment consists of first assessing the situation in which the patient is then to treat it properly. Treatment aims to raise the self estin the patient and promote their eating habits. In more severe cases, anorexia can cause anemia, malnutrition and depression leading the individual to hospital.


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