domingo, 16 de maio de 2010


Dyslipidemia is characterized by increased fat molecules in the blood, many people tend to develop dyslipidemia, some because they do not practice physical activities and others for abuse of fatty foods.

This disorder can develop from other diseases or by diets performed poorly, some factors can also cause dyslipidemia, they are:

* Smoking
* High blood pressure
* Alcoholism
* Diabetes mellitus
* Obesity

The main symptoms are:

Symptoms of Dyslipidemia rarely appear, they are:

Eruptive xanthomas
Stiffness in contact with bright lights
Lesions in the eyeball

Some foods should be avoided by individuals with dyslipidemia, they are:

* Cheese
* Butter
* Nata
Lard *
* Chocolate
* Salted
* Ice Cream


Ingestion of foods high in omega 3
* Through the intake of fresh foods
* Through the consumption of fiber and vegetables
* Practicing physical activities


Treatment is carried out from the amount of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood, but the treatment can be done through simple measures such as:

* Decreased fat intake
* Physical exercise
* Changes in lifestyle



Anorexia is an eating disorder caused by strict dieting extramamentes that lead the individual to develop symptoms of weakness and need for nutrients.
Many factors contribute to anorexia and childhood trauma, psychological factors or even influence over the media in the search for the perfect body.


* Strict diets for long periods of time
* Practice excessive physical activity
* Induction of vomiting
* Evil Power
* Take a laxative so abundant

Doctors and nutritionists have as means of prevention and treatment offer the patient a nutritional reeducation.
Treatment consists of first assessing the situation in which the patient is then to treat it properly. Treatment aims to raise the self estin the patient and promote their eating habits. In more severe cases, anorexia can cause anemia, malnutrition and depression leading the individual to hospital.



Today in Brazil many people suffer from bulimia, and in most cases is to influence the media. Many people confuse anorexia with bulimia. The simple definition of bulimia is by ingestion of food needlessly.
Bulimia is defined as an eating disorder, which often ends up damaging many organs of the body. This damage occurs by self-induced vomiting, or is caused by increased stomach acid.


* Inflammation of the throat
* Diets rigid
* Dehydration
* Vomiting caused
* Facial Swelling
* Excessive physical activity

There is still a proven way to effective prevention, and many doctors and nutritionists say that the main means of prevention should begin during childhood, for that many parents should encourage physical activity and healthy eating.


Treatment is accomplished through psychological and nutritional composition may comprise from psychotherapy until their eating habits.



Scurvy is a disease that causes swelling and bleeding, is usually caused by lack of vitamin C. This disease can strike any age, and end up being the most affected elderly and children.
Vitamin C is an excellent remedy against scurvy, many people suffer from this disease due to low consumption of vegetables and fruits, ie the evil daily diet.

The main symptoms are:

* Bleeding
* Swelling in the language
* Tiredness
* Hair loss
* Joint pain

The main form of prevention is by eating foods rich in vitamin C. Some foods to be eaten are:

* Potato
* Cabbage
* Salsa
* Acerola
Guava *
* Cauliflower
* Watermelon
* Pepper
* Banana
* Lemon
* Orange
* Strawberry

The main form of treatment consists of eating foods rich in vitamins and physical activity. To carry out the monitoring activities is required of an instructor.
In the case of children and newborns intake of foods rich in vitamin C should be daily.
