quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2012


Transmitted through the infestation of a nematode worm known as Trichuris trichiura, the trichuriasis is a parasitic disease that affects the intestines of humans. Characteristics of the worm that causes trichuriasis According to specialists, the worm T. Trichiura nematode is a spindle that has a digestive system with a mouth opening which serves as the front end and a slender and long along the esophagus. On the back of the worm intestine is a portable player and rudimentary, since the adult worms have sexual dimorphism, where females are larger than males.

Forms of transmission of trichuriasis

The eggs of T. Trichiura is the worm that causes trichuriasis are eliminated with feces, and are active for a few months when soil is warm and humid, after a few weeks the larvae develop inside the eggs, then passing the infectious form during this period they are ingested by humans they leave the eggs and penetrate the intestinal mucosa of the individual.

After a few months to develop into its adult form which is to head into the intestinal mucosa, and the tail of the parasite gets into the lumen of the organ. When there is the mating of one male and one female in the body of the individual there is a production of about three thousand eggs a day, which are eliminated from the body through the feces. The adult worms survive for long inside the body feeding on blood and intestinal cake.

Prognosis of trichuriasis

According to health authorities, particularly the World Health Organisation (WHO) in the countries of the tropics, in places where hygiene conditions are precarious in the future there will be more than one million individuals suffering from trichuriasis, since this parasite affects people in the world wide and is a kind of nematode with a very high fertility, and eggs have quite resistant to the conditions of the external environment. An interesting scientific curiosity about the parasite that causes trichuriasis is that it only infects primates.

Main clinical manifestations of trichuriasis

The experts in parasitology report that when the individual is not much infested by the worm, the parasite may have no symptoms, but if the person is in possession of a large number of parasites in your body, the individual usually has diarrhea with blood in feces and intestinal mucosal bleeding can result in anemia clinical by the deficit of the mineral iron in the body.

In addition, there may be weight loss, malnutrition, abdominal pain, fatigue and bloating. In more severe cases the person may have an appendicitis (when the parasite enters this organ) or a picture of hemorrhoids, prolapse of the rectum.

Treatment and diagnosis of trichuriasis

To diagnose trichuriasis, experts note that in the microscopic stool samples for parasite eggs. Treatment is by administration of drugs to eliminate the adult worms.

terça-feira, 22 de maio de 2012

I want to lose weight - what do I do?

How many people do you know who have expressed a desire to lose a few pounds and still failed? Many, no? Despite the good will - sometimes even with some positive actions, such as exercise and a diet - often this desire is not realized by a very simple problem: given a heavy emphasis to a particular diet to lose weight, as if the it was the main instrument in weight loss. Well, ready to find answers to your question: "I want to lose weight, what do I do?"

Follow a diet is important, since it done properly and understood two other important points: the need to abandon a sedentary lifestyle and the importance of eating habits. Without these two steps, following a diet in order to lose weight probably will not have the expected effect, if any.

Let's talk about exercise first. With exercise, we burn more calories as well as burn fat stores present in our body. Moreover, the exercise, improve our blood circulation, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases - so common nowadays. So, whether you will practice a sport, will attend a gym or make walking in a park close to home: the important thing is to have a more active life.

As a second point, we emphasize the importance of eating habits. Many people make the mistake of seeking to lose weight without changing your eating habits gradually. Consume soft drinks, burgers, snacks and sweets in general at a level outside the healthy - often replacing important meals like breakfast or lunch for not-so-healthy foods, such as those highlighted. If you do not change your eating habits, it is apparent that, once broken your diet, you will again gain weight all over again, after all, the reason for the increase in weight (which may be of dietary origin) was not really corrected.

We finally arrive in the diet to lose weight, discussed earlier in this article. As mentioned, a big mistake made by many is to consider this as the only important thing when planning to lose weight, when in fact it is one more tool to assist in the process. When choosing a diet, look for ones that are easy to follow and that will lead to good eating habits. Restrictive diets that require the exclusion of certain nutrients are not interesting because it does not really develop healthy eating habits. Look, then, that leads to a true eating habits.

And above all, do not forget that a dietitian is the professional appointed to accompany you on your weight loss process. Only he can help you determine the best combination of these elements to your situation as well as track your progress periodically. Remember that!

segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2012

How to deal with panic attacks

Panic attacks are sudden attacks of extreme fear that occur without apparent reason. Often they involve acute physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, shortness of breath, dizziness and difficulty swallowing. Many people have only a few panic attacks during their lifetime, but if you think you suffer such attacks constantly, you may want to seek treatment.

When seeking treatment for panic attacks?

The best time to seek treatment as soon as it becomes clear that you suffer from panic attacks. If you yourself have noticed the symptoms and consider the possibility of presenting such a picture, then this is a good time to seek an expert opinion.

However, in some cases, we may not realize that suffer from this problem and is a friend or relative who shows us that perhaps there is something wrong in our behavior at times. At this time, we often ignore such advice and that is where we need to be careful as we can be really in need of professional help.

Then look for a doctor as soon as there is suspicion or even to confirm.

What tests can help diagnose the problem?

Unfortunately, because it is an imbalance with emotional and psychological reasons, there are no laboratory tests able to diagnose this disorder.

However, a doctor specializing in psychiatry can help you identify the symptoms and, supported by some tests to descartas possible hormonal imbalances, whether it is really an anxiety disorder, in this case a panic attack.

What are the most common treatments?

As discussed earlier, there is a reasonable range of treatments, ranging from the use of medication to psychotherapy. Today, new treatments are being studied, such as the use of virtual reality to simulate uncomfortable situations and so the patient can learn to deal with them, the use of electromagnetic waves, as a way to change substantially the patient's mental status.
However, it is the patient who should determine the best type of treatment, but the doctor, after diagnosing the problem and analyze the patient's profile.

How to prevent panic attacks?

The best way to prevent a panic attack is trying to stay calm in situations that often lead him to have an attack. Typically these are situations that, for some reason, take you to a high stress level. So in a situation where you realize a certain level of nervousness than normal, try to breathe deep, count to 10 and release the air slowly. And search for "empty your mind", even for only a few seconds before continuing what he was doing.

However, if you have noticed symptoms of this problem, it is best to actually seek medical help. He can help you on the best way to prevent such attacks, especially in public situations, where often even more intense.
Do not let panic attacks control your life. Although it may look terrible and are very unpleasant experiences, such attacks can be controlled or even eliminated with proper treatment and medical monitoring. Yes, a good professional can help you figure out how to deal with panic attacks and no longer suffer with them.