terça-feira, 9 de julho de 2013

Child supplementation

In certain moments of our lives, there is no escape: there is the need for proper supplementation for children, providing possible food shortages quickly and timely. This usually occurs due to supplementation of deficiencies of certain minerals such as calcium and iron, as well as certain vitamins, such as vitamin C. Such child supplementation, however, should be taken only under medical recommendation or a qualified nutritionist.

In some cases, supplementation is required, such as occurs with iron and vitamin A in the diet of children 6-18 months in order to prevent certain diseases, such as anemia and Vitamin A deficiency. This is a common practice in Brazil due to the number of deaths and severe complications occurred in the past.

In addition, various foods have been fortified with vitamins and some minerals, as is the case of infant milk powder, flour milk, juice etc. The consumption of such food dispensing medical monitoring, since its consumption in normal amounts does not lead to excesses of these nutrients.

However, supplementation should not be done "anyway." As mentioned earlier in this article, there must be monitoring from a doctor or qualified nutritionist who will help the parent or guardian of the child to better understand your needs.

And you can learn more about the supplementation of infant feeding through article supplements for children.

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