This disorder can develop from other diseases or by diets performed poorly, some factors can also cause dyslipidemia, they are:
* Smoking
* High blood pressure
* Alcoholism
* Diabetes mellitus
* Obesity
The main symptoms are:
Symptoms of Dyslipidemia rarely appear, they are:
Eruptive xanthomas
Stiffness in contact with bright lights
Lesions in the eyeball
Some foods should be avoided by individuals with dyslipidemia, they are:
* Cheese
* Butter
* Nata
Lard *
* Chocolate
* Salted
* Ice Cream
Ingestion of foods high in omega 3
* Through the intake of fresh foods
* Through the consumption of fiber and vegetables
* Practicing physical activities
Treatment is carried out from the amount of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood, but the treatment can be done through simple measures such as:
* Decreased fat intake
* Physical exercise
* Changes in lifestyle